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We thank you for joining us in reclaiming and enriching

our Mexican American/Chicana/o/x heritage and culture!

  • Fund Research on the Chicano/a/x Community

  • Create and Facilitate Educational Opportunities and Programs

  • Advocate for the Chicano/a/x Community

  • Facilitate the Flowering of a Unique, Mexican American Literature and Arts

There are several ways you may offer your support and contribute toward reclaiming and enriching our indigenous Mexican American/Chicano/a/x culture, including many volunteer opportunities! 

Make a tax deductible donation to MeXicanos2070 now, or choose to contribute to one of our individual projects below.


Contribute to Colegio Chicano del Pueblo (CCP): 

Founded on September 16, 2020, in collaboration with Prescott College of Prescott, Arizona, the Colegio Chicano del Pueblo, offers a self-paced, college-level, unique and innovative approach to Chicano Studies online, while conducting research and training toward gaining a deeper understanding about our indigenous origins and advancing auto evolving role in the future of the Americas.

The CCP seeks funding for instructors, books, and development. Additionally, it offers volunteer administrative and teacher positions. (Scroll down for more information) If interested click here. 

Offer your teaching skills and talent!

Colegio Chicano del Pueblo is Calling Teachers/Instructors to Propose Courses!


We are looking for teachers/instructors who are able to historicize, contextualize, politicize, and indigenize the Xicano/a in their course material, by asking the following questions: 

Who are we?
What is our material condition?
What can we do about it?

The goal of our curriculum is to serve any learner who has an interest in the Xicana/o community. However, these courses are especially designed to help Xicano/a/x communities organize around issues affecting the Xicano/a community, to help the general public understand the historical past of the Xicano/a community AND to better understand the present condition of the Xicana/o experience.


Do you have a course for us? 

Literature & art

Contribute to Somos en escrito--The Latino Literary Foundation Online Magazine and Press:

Founded in 2009, Somos en escrito affords new and established indigenous-hispanic writers in the U.S. a venue where they may publish their writings without facing discrimination. It seeks to ensure that indigenous-hispanic literature is fully recognized as an integral part of American literature, in its commitment to deepen understanding and appreciation of the valuable literary contributions made by our Mexican American community. 

This is a small but growing enterprise that is solely funded through community donations and supportive private institutions. Your generosity would help with staff and book production, including editing, cover art, marketing, advertising, etc. 


Offer your skills, experience and time! 

We warmly welcome writers, artists, teachers, poets, organizers, activists, and all other MeXicano2070 enthusiasts to join us!  


Below, we list several volunteer positions available in each of our different projects. Pick the one that most calls out to you. Higher education experience is not a requirement, just bring your eagerness to serve your community! 


If you are a student, some of our volunteer positions provide college credit through your university.

Do you have a special idea, or skill to share not facilitated in any of the positions we offer below? Then, please e-mail us and let us know! We welcome your willingness to participate! 

What we're looking for:

Assistant Editor for Video Editing



MeXicanos 2070 is looking for a video whiz to aid in creating videos dedicated to educating others on the goals of our project, the concepts behind our goals and to keeping supporters informed of our progress. Responsibilities will be to help conceive, design, create and edit videos for our social media outlets, including working with media from our interviews and panels.

Assistant Social Media Manager 



Responsible for improving our social media presence and engaging potential supporters in our cause. Meets occasionally with MeXicanos2070 board to plan and implement a social media outreach informative and fundraising campaigns.

Community Organizer Assistant 


MeXicanos2070 is looking for someone to assist in developing, organizing and mobilizing community outreach structures. Responsibilities include researching and connecting with other Mexican-American/Chicano/a/x organizations/projects, media outlets and communities. This includes universities, television and radio stations, etc, as well as working with local communities in individual states that can connect national structures. 




MeXicanos2070 is looking for someone to engage in fundraising of various types, including crowdsourcing, researching potential donors, soliciting donors, organizing fundraising campaigns, writing grants etc.




MeXicanos2070, together with our press, Somos en ecrito, are looking for writers to help us celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first publishing of Armando B. Rendon's Chicano Manifesto.


What impact did reading the Chicano Manifesto have on you? Somos en escrito invites you to share your answer with them for a special issue of the magazine, coinciding with their release of the 50th anniversary edition of this seminal classic on Chicanismo. 





What our press is looking for:

Assistant Editor for Somos en escrito Magazine Production

Somos en escrito Magazine is looking for a book lover with a passion for connecting with audiences and a goal of promoting and disseminating Indigenous-Hispanic literature.
Responsibilities would be to aid in the production of our literary magazine, including searching for potential contributors, providing feedback and setting up features and reviews.

Assistant Editor for Social Media 


Somos en escrito is looking for a volunteer who will be responsible for improving social media presence and engaging readers using various platforms, Position also involves contacting writers and inviting them to submit stories, poems, essays and books to our online magazine and press. Meets regularly with editors to plan and implement a social media campaign.

Assistant Editor for Video Editing

Somos en escrito Magazine is looking for a video whiz to aid in creating videos of Indigenous and Latino, Latina, Latinx literary performance and book trailers for our independent press.

Responsibilities will be to work with poets and writers to edit their videos for our YouTube channel and with authors for book trailers as well as videos for our interviews and panels.

Artists for Creating Book Covers


Do you have artistic skills? Somos en escrito Magazine is looking for artists to make art for book covers. Work with our authors and editors to conceive and create covers to illustrate our various book projects. To see some of their published book covers, click here. 

Juntos, somos indomables

Together, we are indomitable 

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