Palabras del Pueblo
Writing Workshop
Spring 2024
Speculative Fiction from Nepantla
With Juan G. Berumen

Juan G. Berumen, PhD. Raised in the Bay Area, Juan is a teatrista and filmmaker who positions storytelling for self-expression while empowering our communities and transforming society. Currently, Juan is an Ethnic Studies Lecturer at UC Berkeley and is in production for his second short film Recetas. He is also an editor for Somos En Escrito, a press dedicated to publishing our storytellers, which typically get overlooked by mainstream presses.
Class Description
If you were to journey through the borderlands, what stories would you encounter? Would they be of curanderas driving lowriding hovercrafts exorcising those possessed by The Curse of El Mal Ojo?
For our gente, speculative fiction allows us the freedom to tell similar stories unfiltered without fearing the straitjacket while also envisioning wildly new worlds and possibilities