November 14, 2020
MeXicanos 2070 Mourns the loss of Dr. Juan Gomez-Quiñonez
It is with heaviness in our hearts that members of MeXicanos 2070 mourn the loss of Dr. Juan Gomez-Quiñonez this last week. Dr. Gomez-Quiñonez was one of the foundational voices that helped guide the trajectory of Chicano/a/x Studies in the early years of the academic discipline and in turn helped influence educators, writers, scholars, organizers, and community activists over the last several decades. Dr. Gomez-Quiñonez’s voluminous production has helped provide a solid foundation that many additional scholars have built upon and that continue to remain relevant well into the 21st century. In looking forward to the next 50 years of MeXicano literature, scholarship, and activism, we also look at the contributions offered by those who fought tooth and nail to ensure that a more inclusive examination of our collective presence is presented both inside and outside institutions of higher education. We honor these past struggles by actively pushing to make sure that the self-determination of our communities throughout the United States is reflected in curricula and in literary text. Dr. Juan Gomez-Quiñonez’s body of work reflected these ideals. ¡Dr. Juan Gomez-Quiñonez, Presente!

October 10, 2020:
MeXicanos 2070 mourns the lost of Chicano leader and mentor Paul Hernandez.