MeXicanos 2070 is working with Somos en escrito Literary Foundation Press to offer a low cost, online writing workshop for Chicana/o/x writers.
Palabras del Pueblo Writing Workshop is intended be financially accessible for raza to learn to better express themselves so our existence and values can be heard with clarity with no doubts to what they are and what we are. We intend the workshop to be a place to acquire tools, inspiration, and contacts for Chicana/o/x writers.
Classes will be held online on two long weekends (Friday, Saturday and Sunday): July 22-24 and 29-31 during the summer of 2022. Applying is free, the cost is $100 once accepted. 18 years old and up. Deadline to apply is July 1, 2022.
We are excited to offer the following course with a maximum of ten students per class: Creative Nonfiction: Write and learn about the art of the personal essay, expository essay with a team of three instructors, Berte Reyes, Dr. Ernesto Mireles and Dave Weinstock. Students should come with three ideas they can write about.
For more info, follow this link. To go directly to the application: APPLY HERE
If you have any questions, email